1. To order products, choose your desired product and click on the link “Add to Basket”. The contents of the Shopping Basket (in the top right corner of the page) are visible if you move the mouse over it.
  2. When you have selected your products, go to the Shopping Basket by clicking on the link “Basket” in the top right corner of the page. In your Shopping Basket, you will see all of your selected products. On this page, you can also change the quantities of the products and, if necessary, remove some products from your Shopping Basket. Here, you can also use your discount code if you have one of those.
  3. When you have selected your products, go to the page where you can finalise orders and click on the link “Proceed to checkout”.
  4. When finalising the order, fill in the address fields and choose a suitable delivery and payment method.
  5. By clicking on the link “Place order”, you will be directed to the payment method page. After you have paid for your order, click on the link “Return to Merchant”.
  6. NB!In case your order is interrupted for whatever reason, you will be redirected back to your prelled Shopping Basket.

The contract for the purchase and sale of goods is deemed concluded after the Buyer has placed the order and the Seller has confirmed receiving the order. The order confirmation will be sent to the Buyer viae-mail.