Campagnolo BORA ONE 35 DB колесы

Eжемесячный платеж от 41,85 / 60 месяцы

Первоначальная цена составляла €2 139,00.Текущая цена: €1 590,00.

Campagnolo has developed a totally reworked disc brake version of the Bora™ One that transfers skills and knowhow gained in years of experience and introduces a new logic and innovative technologies to ensure unprecedented results.

The Bora™ One Disc Brake is the most sophisticated carbon wheel on the market and one of the few specifically designed for disc brake systems.
Extremely light yet stiff, resistant to shock and perfectly balanced, this wheel is available in in clincher and tubular versions, with a 35 mm rim: a versatile wheel for any kind of route.